Some old applications that you might want to migrate to AEM might still use SQL Server databases. Here are the steps to access an external SQL server from AEM 6:
8. Save the project.
9. Right click the project --> Export --> Plug-in Development --> Deployable plug-ins and fragments
10. Choose a directory location --> Save.
11. The OSGI jar is available at the given-directory-location/plugins
5. Error Log might show:
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle com.myproject.jdbc [398]: Unable to resolve 398.0: missing requirement [398.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(>=1.3.0))
The bundle might also show unresolved dependencies:
6. Edit the MANIFEST.MF to remove the versions for resolving dependencies:
7. Re-install the bundle and it should be active now:
Note: You might have to allow your Microsoft SQL server to accept remote connections! Please refer this
Hope this helps!!!
Building the OSGI bundle for the JDBC driver:
1. Download the appropriate driver from here
2. Unzip the downloaded driver.
3. Open eclipse indigo.
4. Click on File-> New -> Other -> Plugin from existing JAR archive
5. Click on Add External and enter the path of the downloaded jar
6. Enter Plugin properties as shown here:
7. Observe the MANIFEST.MF, it shall look like this:8. Save the project.
9. Right click the project --> Export --> Plug-in Development --> Deployable plug-ins and fragments
11. The OSGI jar is available at the given-directory-location/plugins
Uploading the OSGI jar in felix:
1. Go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/bundles
2. Click on Install/Update
3. Upload the jar:
4. The jar should come in Active state. Look for errors in the error log if it still shows "Installed":5. Error Log might show:
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle com.myproject.jdbc [398]: Unable to resolve 398.0: missing requirement [398.0] osgi.wiring.package; (&(>=1.3.0))
The bundle might also show unresolved dependencies:
6. Edit the MANIFEST.MF to remove the versions for resolving dependencies:
7. Re-install the bundle and it should be active now:
JDBC Connection Pool Factory config:
1. Go to http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr
2. click on "+" to add a configuration:
3. The configuration looks like this:Test Connection:
1. An example code snippet for testing the connection:
Note: You might have to allow your Microsoft SQL server to accept remote connections! Please refer this
Hope this helps!!!